The Christian school experience is a beautiful way for children to learn more about God, themselves, and their faith that will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Finding creative ways to reach smaller children, though, may be tricky at times. Here are just a few ideas that your younger students will definitely appreciate!
The Golden Rule
Treating others the way you would want to be treated has long been known as the Golden Rule and is an important element of the Christian curriculum. While teaching older children this concept may be relatively simple, you might find it tricky to find ways to convey it to your younger students. After all, sharing toys and taking turns is not always a gesture that's reciprocated well. Use simple examples of how actions can affect others through songs, stories, or everyday situations. Using the example of sharing, for instance, can help small children understand how treating others can affect them. Feeling happy that someone has shared a toy with them will, in turn, encourage them to do the same for others.
Characters of the Bible
Learning the characters of the Bible is a fantastic way to teach your students about the story of God's love and how it has played out over the course of people's faith journeys. Perhaps you're looking to teach a theme based on loyalty, for instance. The character of Ruth would be an excellent example of how to convey this idea. Likewise, Mary and Martha are fine characters to teach the differences in what people consider to be their priorities. While Martha was occupied thinking of all the necessary preparations for the visit of Jesus, Mary instead stayed at his feet to listen to him speak. These are all fine examples found in the Bible that can help children not only learn more about the characters mentioned but the themes of faith that go along with them.
The Christian Year
A Christian life will go far beyond the confines of school walls. For your students, it's helpful to teach them that their journey in learning more about and connecting to their creator is a lifelong experience that can be celebrated throughout the year. Holidays including Christmas, Easter, and the season of Advent are all wonderful ways in which small children can learn more about the Christian faith and its history. Rather than Christmas simply revolving around toys from Santa, for instance, they can learn about the birth of Jesus Christ and the journey taken by Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. Encourage students to sing seasonal songs, create handmade crafts, and write reasons why they celebrate the Christian holidays!
Reach out to a Christian school to find out more.